Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
декан_end.jpgDean of faculty:
Candidate of technical sciences, prof.
Serhij Victorovich

tel.: +380562-46-63-62
fax: +380562-46-63-62

Address of dean's office is –
K. Marksa Avenue, 19, building 10, room nom. 308, 309
Departments of our faculty:
Department of history and political theory. A head of a chair is the Lawyer Emeritus of education of Ukraine, professor Pushkin Victor Yukhimovich; K.Marksa Avenue, 19, building 1, room 67, tel.: 45-18, 90-45; e-mail: pushkinv@list.ru
Department of philosophy. A head of a chair is doctor of philosophy, professor Shabanova Yuliya Oleksandrovna; K.Marksa Avenue, 19, building 1, room 117, tel.: 02-11; e-mail: jshabanova@ukr.net
Department of civil and economic law. A head of a chair is the candidate of technical sciences, Candidate of judicial sciences, Associate Professor Kirin Roman Stanislavovich; K. Marksa Avenue, 19 building 10, room 312, tel.: 07-88, 99-91
Department of constitutional and administrative law. A head of a chair is the Candidate of judicial sciences, Associate Professor Zarzhickiy Oleksandr Stanislavovich; K.Marksa Avenue, 19, building 10, room 313, tel. . 373-07-14, 46-90-35
Department of criminal law and criminology. A head of a chair is the Lawyer Emeritus of Ukraine, Associate Professor Shanina Yevheniya Grigory; pr. K.Marksa, 19, building 10, room 304, tel.: 15-50, 07-85
Areas of specialists training:

6.030401: Law
  • Speciality 7.03040101: Law
  • Specializations: Economic law; Natureresources law.
Specific categories
  • Speciality 8.00000: Pedagogics of higher school
Since 1997 law faculty of State higher educational establishment «National Mining University», on the basis of license of a department of education and science of Ukraine, trains specialists which are specialized in such important for the state legal areas, as mining, geological, ecological, earth, gemological, nuclear, transport, power law etc.
The State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" is the unique educational establishment in Ukraine which trains the specialists-lawyers for the enterprises, for example, coal, uranium, peat, coalprocess and pitbuilding industries. Our specialists are invited to more than 200 enterprises.
In last 10 years the legal direction of scientific researches has increased a number of useful collaboration with some lead legal faculties, academic, public, state institutions, for example, the General prosecution of Ukraine, Higher Council of justice of Ukraine, Ministry of justice of Ukraine, Helsinki fund of business of man etc. In particular, there annually take place the International scientific-practical conference „Ecological-law and sociallegal problems of mining industry development" and international round table «Topical issues of ecological law» in the State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University". The acknowledged specialists of law from Byelorussia, Russian Federation and Ukraine take part in these conferences and they examine the newest doctrines of ecological law, topical issues of ecological responsibility and legal aspects of ecological safety.
The law faculty of the State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" is accepted by the member of Eurasian Association of legislative schools and legislators in spring in 2009.
The specialists of faculty prepared the materials for Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the process of preparation to examine the business in relation to using the areas of continental shelf of the Black sea for the booty of oil and gas raw materials.
In the educational-methodical and scientific activity the collective of faculty constantly examine and decide the issues of providing the realization of public policy in relation to the legal adjusting in an electroenergy, nuclear-industrial and oil and gas complexes.



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