Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

History of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology was established according to a National Mining University chancellor’s order № 117 from 27 August 2001 in structure with NMU’s Law faculty in order to provide a qualitative preparation of the lawyers from “Law” directions.
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology has a history, which is connected with a development of the National Mining University and its Law faculty

1_Історія кафедри_колектив.JPG First of all, department is a team, people, who created a scientific school of a criminal law, preserving traditions of teaching, and who have educated a worthy generation of the students-lawyers.  
2_Історія кафедри_Водолаз.jpg Since 2001 Candidate of the juridical sciences, Associate Professor Ivan Andrijovich Vodolaz became a first director of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department. He was one of the founders of Law faculty and he created a strong basis for department’s development. 

In the department brilliant scientists and lawyers-practitioners, famous in Ukraine and abroad, which made a huge contribution to a criminal-law science (O.M.Djuja, Doctor of law, Professor, Lawyer Emeritus of Ukraine, Police Colonel; A.V.Icshenlo, Doctor of law, Professor, Lawyer Emeritus of Ukraine etc.) worked at the different time.

3_Історія кафедри_Грузд.JPG From 2002 to 2007 there worked a famous lawyer of Ukraine, Candidate of law science, Associate Professor Anatolij Volodymyrovich Gruzd, Senior investigator of public prosecutor’s office in Dnipropetrovsk region (1964) and Regional Judge (1970-1982) in past. He was an example of talented, intelligent, refined person with a high level of professional mastery for students-lawyers in a protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms.

When he was a President of a regional lawyers association in Dnipropetrovsk, a Master of the qualification-disciplinary legal profession, when he worked as a lawyer and became famous as a person with a high morality and decency, many times he invited students, who wanted to became a lawyers and which have an inclination and an ability to protect citizens’ rights and freedoms, to make practice with him. In January 2007 Anatolij Volodymyrovich deceased. He was 71 years old.

4_Історія кафедри _Щур.jpg From 2007 to 2010 a Professor, a lawyer emeritus of Ukraine, a state councilor of the second class Justice, a lead law specialist, who passed a way from an assistant attorney to a public prosecutor of Zaporijska and Dnipropetrovsk regions, Vasyl Fedorovych Schur worked at the Criminal Law and Criminology Department.

V.F.Schur developed and provided into an educational process a lecture course for “Ukraine public prosecutor’s office” discipline. His contribution to preparation the “Jurisprudence” specialty highly skilled specialists is priceless.

5_Історія кафедри_лекция Щура.jpg Many times V.F.Schur was awarded with state rewards. In 2007 Professor Schur for his merits in scientific and educational work was decorated with a Silver Medal of National Mining University. In March 2010 Vasil Fedorovych deceased. He was 74 years old.

The scientific council of the State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" set a grant named Professor’s Schur grant.
Since 2003 a Lawyer Emeritus of Ukraine, an Associate Professor Evgenija Grygorivna Shanina heads a department. She is a famous lawyer with a great experience of leading activity; she is a practitioner, an experienced organizer. Her knowledge and practical experience is applied in scientific and public activities, in lawmaking work – preparation law projects. During her professional activity, Shanina E.G. many times was distinguished by awards and higher honorary distinctions from President of Ukraine, departments to local bodies.
Since 2003 a computer-forensic complex, contained a computer-forensic laboratory, a forensic range, a forensic museum, has become a structural unit of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department.
In 2007 on the basis of the Department there was created an instructional judicial conference hall, designed with a high aesthetic and professional level, where students are able to conduct their lectures and seminars, trainings, business games, student conferences and circular tables.
In 2005-2007 years lecturers of the department worked on a research state activities “Issues of civic rights protection in the rules of criminal and criminal-adjective law of Ukraine”. In 2008 lectures of the department participated in an execution of a department’s research state activities “Problems of realization of legal additions of criminal and criminal-adjective law of Ukraine”, first stage: “Problems of realization of crime committer’s criminal responsibility”. In 2009 this research work was supplemented with the second stage “Rules’ of demonstrative law in criminal process realization problems”. In 2010 the third stage “Right’s of defense in criminal process realization problems”. 
Studies of lectures of the department, including monographic researches, are published in some famous editions. Lectures participated in methodological and scientific seminars in the department, in the law-enforcement agencies; they participated in development of proposals of usage of Criminal code of Ukraine practice. On the basis of National mining university the department in common with executive service of the regional management of the justice department, conducted annual scientifically-practically seminars on the topic of a legal activity regulation of organs of justice.

6_Історія кафедри_Варшава_2005.jpg

7_Історія кафедри_Варшава_2005.jpg

The department participated in international and regional scientifically-practically conferences. In September 2005 head of a chair E.G.Shanina and Assosiate Professor A.V.Gruzd participated in work of Helsingsky fund in citizen rights in Poland (Varshava city) in constitutional and civil rights and sharing of experience in justice system and the Bar in Poland and Ukraine: Higher administrative court, Supreme court, district court in Varshava, Constitutional tribunal, society of lawyers in Varshava.
Over a period of its existence, the department has made connections with leading Higher Educational and Scientific offices of Ukraine, it maintains relations with Ukraine Legislative fund and Ukraine legislative judges and Association of lawmakers of Ukraine. 



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