Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Work of the criminal law and criminology department of law faculty foresees collaboration with educational establishments, law-enforcement establishments and scientific organizations of other countries, and includes the following directions:

• internship of lecturers in the higher educational establishments and cultural and educational organizations of other countries;
• scientifically creative and business foreign business trips of the lecturers of the department, an exchange of educational-methodical literature;
• a holding of general scientific and theoretical and scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, seminars;
•  An edition of scientific labours collections, materials of scientific and theoretical conferences, news-letters.

In order to make a co-ordination of international contacts, realization the exchange of experience and information, the department of criminal law and criminology sets the direct copulas with foreign educational and scientific institutes, professors and lecturers of these educational establishments, in the field of educational, scientific and educational-methodical activity (invitation and participating is in international conferences, symposiums, round table, including the personal invitations). 


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A department supports contacts with funds and representative offices of foreign organizations, namely with Khel'sinsk Fund of Human Rights, which is an independent institute which is engaged in monitoring, elucidative work in relation to the observance of basic rights and freedoms of man and conducts the activity through a territory of Ukraine.
ЗHead of a Chair Shanina, an associate professor, Lawyer Emeritus of Ukraine and professor, the Candidate Gruzd jointly with the leading scientists-lawyers and the lawyers of the Dnepropetrovsk area took part in an international scientific seminar, conducted by Khel'sinsk Fund of human rights (Poland, Warsaw). During a visit the received materials are used for teaching such disciplines, as «Bases of legal clinical practice», «Organization of work of judicial and law-enforcement bodies», and also for realization a legal aid to the citizens of Ukraine at violation of their basic rights and freedoms.
Professor Khryapinskiy has made some useful relations and has coordinated a research activity with the department of criminal law and process of the National experimental university «Belgorodskiy state university» with the purpose of exchanging the experience, abstracts of thesis, scientific literature, and also preparing and defending the dissertations, general edition of scientific and educational literature.

Realization of scientific internship of lecturers in the oversea Higher educational establishments and law-enforcement organizations:
Associate professor, Candidate of legal sciences Gemay in obedience to invitation of state lawyer Ayshegyul' Mungan Kaya, an Associate Professor of law faculty of the State university of Turkey (Mugla) with the permission of the chancellor of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University” Pivnyaka had an internship in accordance with an individual plan.

Primary purpose of lecturers’ staying in the scientifically creative and business foreign business trips is an exchange of preparation experience of specialists for law enforcement authorities, internship and participating in scientific and practical conferences. During the oversea business trips the scientifically pedagogical workers of the department meet with an organizational structure, tasks and order of work of subsections of police and other law enforcement authorities, an educational process, and scientifically research activity of oversea educational establishments.
1) November 2008: an acquaintance with research activity and educational-educate process of constabularies preparation, School of police (Kampina, Romania) (professor Len' ).
2) December 2008: an acquaintance with research activity and educational-educate process of constabularies preparation, Academy of Ministry of Home Affairs (Bucharest, Romania) (professor Len' ).
3) September 2011: an acquaintance with the educational-educate process of students preparation – lawyers in Khaydel'berg university (Khaydel'berg, Germany) (professor Len' ).
In December 2011 - January 2012 professor Len' took part in weekly school «Basis of safety in space industry» (Houston and Frendsvud, state Texas, United States of America): 
1) In December 2011 - January 2012 professor Len' took part in weekly school «Basis of safety in space industry» (Houston and Frendsvud, state Texas, United States of America).
2) From December, 27, 2011 to January, 17, 2012 the Weekly school «Basis of safety in space industry» took place:
• an attendance the lectures on bases of spaceguard as the special guesr of Management of the Department of astronauts and cosmonauts preparation. During the school’s work there were examined some question of legal, economic, medical, medicinal accompaniment of astronauts and cosmonauts during some periods (before flight, during flight and after flight);
• a practical acquaintance with the Center of before flying astronauts and cosmonauts preparation of the National space agency of the USA (NASA) (Frensvud, state Texas, USA).  
During the oversea business trips lecturers seize and successfully use the newest methods of studies, scientific developments, information.

An Associate professor Gemay and senior lecturer Svitlichniy are engaged in deep linguistic preparation with the purpose of receiving the certificates of international standard about a right for a free foreign languages domain (English, Turkish), and also for internship in oversea universities and enterprises, to participating in international symposiums and conferences, leadthrough of seminars and practical employments, organization of general international scientific seminars.

Prospect of department’s international activity development:

• participating in international educational and scientific projects;
• passing of educational practices abroad by students;
• subsequent internship of lecturers in higher educational establishments and cultural and educational organizations of other countries; participating in educational programs, development some textbooks for educational establishments;
• staying of lecturers of the department in scientifically creative and business foreign business trips, exchange of educational methodical literature;
• bringing into the educational process the lecturers of the oversea Higher Educational establishments and international funds;
• a leadthrough of general scientific theoretical and scientific practical conferences, symposiums, seminars;
• an edition of scientific labours collections, materials of scientific theoretical conferences, news-letters;
• signing the new agreements about a collaboration with the lead initial-scientific establishments of Europe and world.



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