Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

An important part of a scientific activity of the Department is involving the students to scientific creation from legal problematic, and also to form an integral guideline and priorities of modern world view of future specialists
Participating in student conferences, round table and seminars has a huge influence on the audience studies of future specialists in the field of law.
ПDirected by lecturers of the department our students of 4 courses came forward with the theses of lectures at the V practical conference, devoted to the Allukrainian week of law and 15 anniversary of the day of department of Jurisprudence foundation, «Creation and development of the legal state: problems of theory and practice», which took place on November, 25, 2011, namely:
1) DyachenkO V.o., student of group YUP-08-1, thesis of lecture on a theme: «Problems of criminal responsibility for depravation of minors», scientific leader is senior lecturer Chamber O.O.; ;
2) Rudnicka m.o., student of group YUP-08-1, thesis of lecture on a theme: «Criminal-law and criminology aspects of fight against a corruption in Ukraine», scientific leader is senior lecturer Chamber O.O.;
3) Zavada D.S., student of group YUP-08-1, thesis of lecture on a theme: « Criminal-law description of crimes, related to the illegal disclosure of medical secret», scientific leader is an Associate Professor Backo I.M.;
4) Titova T.Yu., student of group YUP-08-1, thesis of lecture on a theme: «Authentication of a man according to the signs of exterior», scientific leader is an Associate Professor Backo I.M.

of DyachenkO V.o. and Rudnickoyu m.o., directed by a senior lecturer Svitlichnogo o.o. have taken part in execution of the first stage «Fight against corruption acts by criminal-law facilities» of the research state budget work of department on a theme: «Theoretical and applied problems of defence of legal relations by criminal-law, criminalistics and criminal-procedural facilities in criminal business».
Since January, 2012 directed by a Head of a Chair of the department Associate Professor Shaninoi e.g. and Associate Professor Backo I.m., the students of 4 courses of a group YUP-08-1 KalyuzhnA V.yu. and Bikova K.K., have taken part in execution of the second stage «Defence of legal relationships in criminal business by criminalistics and criminal-procedural facilities» of the research state budget work of the department on a theme: «Theoretical and applied problems of defence of legal relations by criminal-law, criminalistics and criminal-procedural facilities in criminal business».

Head of a Chair of the department E.G. Shanina and scientifically teaching membership give a special attention to strengthening the connection of educational-educate process with practical activity of bodies of internal affairs and other law enforcement authorities. Basic collaboration with practical workers is conducted within the framework of organization and leadthrough of practices of students, leadthrough of lecture and seminar employments. With the purpose of forming for the students the concepts about a role and place of lawyer in the legal state there are constantly conducted the department meetings with the leading lawyers of the Dnepropetrovsk area.
An associate professor Gemay with the students conduct many additional practical studies on a discipline «Criminal-adjective law (Drafting of judicial documents in criminal acts) » in the district offices of public prosecutor of Dnipropetrovsk.
There takes place a student scientific group from a criminal law and process on the Department, leaded by doctors of legal sciences, professors Pinaea and Khryapinskiy, candidate of legal sciences, professor Len’, candidates of legal sciences, Associate Professors Backo and Gemay and senior lecturer Svitlichniy. Purpose of scientific group is a deep studying of separate questions and problems of criminal law and process. The members of scientific group actively participate in group’s work. Many famous lawyers-practices are invited to these meetings.
This group has a form of lectures, trainings and role games. A result of this kind of work is making theses of lectures, which students prepare in order to participate in the conference, articles which are published in some editions, and advanced studies, for participating in competitions for the best advanced work. 
On December, 20, 2011 at the department of criminal law and criminology an annual scientific student conference took place on a theme of «Theory and practice of defence of legal relationships by criminal-legal and criminalistics facilities». DSCN1673.JPG

The winners of conference got valuable gifts and diplomas for the followings nominations:

1. 1. «For actuality of the decreed problem and it’s relation with an important scientific and practical tasks» (Ulasyuk Kateryna Oleh, gr. YUP-07-1, theme of the lecture: «Legal principles of counteraction violence against children». A scientific leader is an associate professor of the department, candidate of law scientists Backo I.M.).

2. 2. «For a high level and depth of scientific research» (Shtel'makh Anastasiya Anatoliy, gr. PRyu-09-2, theme of lecture: «A problem of death punishment in Ukraine». A scientific leader is a lecturer Svitlichniy O.O.

3. 3. «For literacy and sequence of scientific material exposition» (Pityurenko Anna Valery, gr. PRyu-09-1, theme of lecture: «Criminal-legal qualification». A scientific leader is a lecturer Chamber O.O.).
On the faculty of law there is the Legal clinic during work of which students acquire experience of practical work from the grant of legal advices to citizens, from drafting the legal documents, participation in consideration of the real legal situations. The counsel of the Legal clinic of the department of criminal law and criminology is an associate professor, candidate of legal sciences Gemay S.O., which underlines that nowadays work of the Legal clinic of the State Higher Establishment «National mining university» and teaching a discipline «Basis of legal clinical practice» is an important and actual in professional preparation of students.
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Directed by a head of department, an Associate professor Shanina E.G. and Associate professor Gemay S.O., a department co-operates with Dnepropetrovsk regional public organization «Promin’», and within the framework of general project of «Improvement of an access to justice of persons, which are in the places of imprisonment of the Dnepropetrovsk area» the students of law faculty are attracted to the grant of legal help to people which are in the places of imprisonment by the distance advising.
ЗAs a result of the conducted work about 100 letters-handlings were worked out by the students of third and fourth courses that became a beautiful start on questions acquisition of practical skills of future legal profession.
An educate work among students is conducted by bringing in of them to edition of poetic magazine «Wings», where a professor of department of criminal law and criminology Tertishnik V.M. is the member of editorial commission, and appearances in MASS-MEDIA with the purpose of popularization of legal knowledges. 



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